Saturday, April 2, 2011


We are officially at home in Highland Park/Highwood. I think it is fair if I take this opportunity to speak for everyone and say a few things. 

This has been an absolutely unforgettable experience. The point of the program was to allow students to understand conflict and conflict resolution, and how to apply it to our lives at home. The ten days we spent in Northern Ireland have given us all insight into peaceful processes to resolve violent issues, and the application of those processes into different communities and people with different backgrounds. Without a doubt the six of us will be able to take what we've learned and apply it to our lives and school to try to better our community. 

But in addition to all of us learning about these serious issues, part of what made the trip so great was the familial atmosphere in our whole group. Between the rotarians, our host students and parents, ourselves, and our wonderful teacher, I truly feel that we have all made or strengthened relationships that we will hold onto forever. Because of our closeness we were all able to enjoy the trip all the time, whether we were in a meeting or just sitting on the bus. Many people mentioned tearful goodbyes because we're all going to miss each other, but I know that no matter what we will be able to stay in contact.

On that note I would like to say thank you to all the members of the Highland Park/Highwood and Belfast rotary clubs. I think it goes without being said that without you the trip would never be a reality. You made everything that we did possible, from setting everything up to making sure we were all happy and having a good time. We know that you are constantly working to improve the trip for the people in years to come, and this time around you did an amazing job. We all loved everything that we did, and we cannot thank you enough. 

I would also like to say thank you to all the host families. It is so kind of you to open your homes to us for ten days. You all made the six of us feel so welcome and comfortable. Without you our trip would not have been the same. To the McDowell's, my family, I don't think I can ever repay you. My entire experience would have been completely different if I had been with another family. I have never felt more welcomed into a home before, and I don't think I ever will. Thank you so much for everything. 

The message I would like everyone to take away from this is that regardless of the fact that this trip was meant to engage us in conflict resolution, it engaged us in so much more. Whether we were ice skating of meeting with the US Consulate, we had a great time. The six of us have learned things that we will carry with us for life, and our love and appreciation of Northern Ireland will always be with us. 


From the Belfast Rotary Club

TOGETHER A Better Understanding!............

Welcome home!    On behalf of President Brian Clements, David Boyd and the rest of the TABU team, together with all the members of the Rotary Club of Belfast, can we simply express our appreciation of the time you have spent with us.  What a group!    You have all been impeccable ambassadors for your school, Highland Park and the Rotary Club.   You have impressed wherever you went and have joined in with an enthusiasm and a sense of fun in all the activities.  We note from your excellent blogs that you have taken away a set of experiences and we hope these will stay with you for a long time, together with a soft spot for this small corner of the world.  You have certainly earned a place in our hearts and we return you to your homes with a great sense of sadness at your leaving us, but also with a very large measure of optimism for the future which you will be forging for yourselves and your community.  

Thank you for your impact on us and all the memories you have left with us - they make all the preparation on both sides well worthwhile and encapsulate the unique aspects if the TABU programme.   

We wish you well in all your future endeavours and simply leave you with the words of a famous Irish blessing:

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May your God hold you in the hollow of his hand”.


(tried to post this on your blog but could only manage to post a comment!)